Ad Opportunity for March 2021 Utility Mailer Insert
Date and Time
Monday Jan 18, 2021 Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Deadline for payment and artwork for ad:
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
There are 3 available listing sizes:
Standard Business Card
3.5? W x 2? H
$100 ($75 Chamber Member)
2X Business Card
3.5? W x 4? H
$200 ($150 Chamber Member)
½ Business Card
3.5? W x 1? H
$50 ($25 Chamber Member)
Registration is now open for the March 2021 Utility Mailer!
The Apex Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that we are sponsoring an insert in the town monthly utility bill targeted for March 2021. This utility flyer will reach approximately 20,000 Apex homes via mail or paperless e-billing!
We are going to start with a one-sided insert. If interest is great enough, we will expand to a two-sided insert. The insert will be an 8.5x11 colored sheet of paper using black print.
The deadline for submission is Wednesday, February 10, 2021.
Businesses must provide:
- Art work for Ad - may submit by emailing to (jpeg, or png file)
- Business logo (Optional)
- Promo Code (Optional)
- Applicable fee - able to pay online by clicking on Register Now
The mailer requires a minimum number of listings.
- If we do not reach the minimum number required to cover our costs by February 10th, we will refund fees
- Space is only available to the businesses who submit all required information and fees on a first-come, first-served basis
- Placement of listings on the mailer will be in no particular order
- All listings must be physically located in Apex and listings should not be targeted to an event ? but rather a business.